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If you think about your design process and that does not include simulation, you should really start considering it. Simulation on your circuits and designs will safe time and money spent in the design process. In this webinar, we will talk about why it is so important for the company to start using simulation and how effecient it is for the design process. What if you created a design and started to used it in a real world scenario, suddenly key elements on your PCB is starting to fail, then it is too late. These mistakes could be avoided using a simulation tool and find the issues of your circuits before its mass produced.

How can PSpice add value to your company?

PSpice is a simulation tool which can be used while designing electronics to make sure everything works as intended before initiating the production.

During this webinar we will explain how to incorporate PSpice into your design flow and give examples of features that can contribute to a smooth design phase for your project.

Language: English

Have you ever thought about how to estimate cross talk problems or noise analysis before starting layout?
Or do you simply want to be able to create constraints in OrCAD Capture? Then this webinar will be able to help you get started.

This webinar will review the capabilities of Capture and SigXplorer for pre-layout simulation and constraint transfer.

Language: Danish

Learn to use PSpice Basic
Here, you will get an introduction to the use of PSpice, where we will talk about ideal and modeled components, analysis types and setup, among other things.

The webinar is intended for you who want to use simulation in your design process, but have not yet become familiar with it. It may also be that you already know a little about PSpice, but haven’t really started using it in practice yet.

Language: Danish

Do you want to save money on components and at the same time be sure that your component tolerances meet your design requirements?
Tolerances on components are a funny size, because they usually don’t have a big impact on a product, but have the potential to have a huge impact, if an accident happens.

With a Monte Carlo analysis, you can quickly form an overview of whether your tolerances are appropriate, or whether you risk not achieving the desired functionality of the design, as well as how great this probability is. Nordcad offers a webinar that introduces both the experienced and the new PSpice user how to easily and quickly set up and execute a Monte Carlo analysis, so that you can make the best decision regarding tolerances when designing and purchasing components.

Language: Danish

Simulations give you the insight to predict the performance of your design and thereby avoid delays and added cost from respins.

This webinar will walk through several challenging parts of an electronics design and the simulations that can aid First Time Right designs. We will also touch upon the types of models needed for these simulations and their limits.

Specifically, this webinar will discuss simulations of high-speed digital designs (Signal and Power Integrity), RF circuitry (Non-linear effects) and antennas (Electromagnetics). Finally there will be a brief discussion of the possibilities and challenges of enhancing the models to improve the accuracy of the simulations.

Language: English

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