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Torstaina 1. helmikuuta järjestämme webinaarin juuri julkaistusta OrCAD X:stä, joka toimii uuden ohjelmiston live-demona.

Jos et ole seurannut perässä viime aikoina, Cadence lanseerasi OrCAD X:n lokakuussa 2023 – uusimpana lisäyksenä portfolioonsa. Vanhan lippulaivansa OrCADin päivitys.

Ohjelmistopäivitys ei ole koskaan pelkkä päivitys. Tietenkin siinä on kourallinen uusia ja parannettuja ominaisuuksia. Näitä ovat muun muassa:

Saat täydellisen läpikäynnin koko OrCAD X -työnkulusta – A:sta X:hen.

Tämä webinaari on englanninkielinen.

* Ilmoittautumalla webinaariimme rekisteröidyt postituslistallemme – Nordcad Insights. Saat kuukausittaisen uutiskirjeemme, joka sisältää mm. artikkeleita, opastusta ja analyysejä elektroniikan suunnittelusta.

Nykyään, flex- ja rigid-flex-piirilevyjä löytyy lukemattomista tuotteista; aina yksinkertaisista malleista monimutkaisiin.

Tässä webinaarissa, käymme läpi tyypillisen rigid-flex- piirilevyn, esitämme joitain tärkeitä suunnitteluvaiheita; kerrosten pinoaminen, taivutusalueet ja reititystoiminnot jne.

Nämä edistyneet levyt mullistavat teollisuudenaloja, ja niiden monimutkaisuuden ymmärtäminen on ratkaisevan tärkeää insinööreille, suunnittelijoille ja tekniikan harrastajille.

Webinaarin kohokohdat:

Webinaari on englanninkielinen.

In this webinar, we will delve into the importance of having control over the stackup and return path for signals in modern high speed interfaces such as DDR (Double Data Rate) and serial links. We will explore why it is crucial to have a correct stackup and return path to ensure that signals can be transmitted reliably and without loss of performance. We will also discuss some of the challenges that can arise in high speed design and how to overcome them. We will provide examples of real-world scenarios where a correct stackup and return path have been critical in ensuring a reliable signal transmission. Additionally, we will provide an introduction to Highspeed design with DDR, which is one of the most commonly used technologies for high-speed data communication and how to use it effectively. Furthermore, we will examine the concept of stackup and return path in detail, how they affects the signal integrity and how they are implemented in high-speed designs. Overall, this webinar will provide a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects of high-speed design, including the importance of stackup and return path, and the techniques for effectively implementing them in order to achieve optimal signal transmission.

I det här tvådelade webinariet granskar vi i del 1 hur du designar, beräknar målimpedans för dina förbrukningsmaterial och hur du väljer decoupling kondensatorer och kör enkla simuleringar för att verifiera att du har valt rätt. I del 2 kommer vi att visa hur man får ut det mesta av de valda decouplings i samband med stackup-konstruktion, placering och fanout.

In this two-part webinar, we review in part 1 how you design, calculate target impedance for your supplies and how to select decoupling capacitors and run simple simulations to verify that you have chosen the right ones. In part 2, we will show how to get the most out of the selected decouplings in connection with stackup construction, placement and fanout.

Time to market is more important today than ever. Once the actual PCB Design starts it is often suffering from almost impossible deadlines.

Working several people on the same PCB Design has multiple benefits that we will show and talk about in this webinar.

These are some of the key elements the webinar will give you

How can PSpice add value to your company?

PSpice is a simulation tool which can be used while designing electronics to make sure everything works as intended before initiating the production.

During this webinar we will explain how to incorporate PSpice into your design flow and give examples of features that can contribute to a smooth design phase for your project.

Language: English

Increase the quality of your Gerber data and eliminate DFM problems on your PCB
In this webinar, we show how you can minimise the amount of DFM questions, and even completely avoid having to correct your finished layout. You will, among other things, learn to control solder mask, annular ring and other critical design issues.

Language: Danish

Introducing the brand new Allegro/OrCAD Free Viewer
We show a review of all the new smart features as well as the updated interface. Free Viewer is a free download that lets you share and access design data and makes it easy for a design project team to review the development of a design in OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor. Using the Free Viewer, you can open a project, a schematic design, or a library.

Language: Danish

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